Our Core Values
We are members of the THI Business School out of passion. We work on our topics with enthusiasm, high service orientation and show a positive attitude.
We see change as an opportunity, we promote diversity, support internationality and are open to new ideas.
We walk the walk. We act and work conscientiously and make binding agreements.
We work independently, take responsibility for our actions and use the resources entrusted to us in a sustainable manner.
We approach our subjects with determination and diligence. We pay attention to accuracy and reflect upon our actions. We promote talents and see ourselves as coaches.
We work together with respect and esteem. We take care of our working environment and meet each other with a smile.

Dekan der THI Business School
Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed
Tel.: +49 841 9348-1920
Raum: F201
E-Mail: Bernd.Scheed@thi.de
Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed
Tel.: +49 841 9348-1920
Raum: F201
E-Mail: Bernd.Scheed@thi.de