Prof. Dr. Markus Frey

- Digital Supply Chain Management
- Operations Management
- Advanced business analytics in applied areas of, e.g., supply chain management, logistics, service industry, aviation industry etc.
- Operations Research, Machine Learning and Statistics for predictive and prescriptive analytics to enable data and machine driven decision making
12/2019 – 08/2023: Solution Architect for Advanced Business Analytics, Hilti AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein
04/2018 – 11/2019: Business Analyst, Hilti Deutschland Logistik GmbH, Kaufering
11/2016 – heute: Co-Founder von Analytics, Optimization and Solutions (AOS) UG & Co.KG, München
11/2015 – 03/2018: Senior Business Analyst for Operations Research, BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
11/2008 – 09/2018: Research Assistant, Technische Universität München
04/2010 – 12/2014: Ph.D. Candidate, Technische Universität München
10/2003 – 04/2009: Diplom Wirtschaftsmathematik, Universität Augsburg
Frey C.M.M., Jungwirth A., Frey, M., and Kolisch R. (2022): The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Flexible Delivery Locations. Submitted to European Journal of Operational Research
Jungwirth, A., Frey, M., Desaulniers, G., and Kolisch, R. (2021): Exact Branch-Price-and-Cut for a Hospital Therapist Scheduling Problem with Flexible Service Locations and Time Dependent Location Capacity. INFORMS Journal on Computing,
Kiermaier, F., Frey, M. and Bard, J.F. (2020): The flexible break assignment problem for large tour scheduling problems with an application to airport ground handlers. Journal on Scheduling, vol. 23(1), p. 177 – 209,
Youngbum H., Frey, M., Kiermaier, F. and Bard, J.F. (2019): A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Shift Scheduling with Breaks Adjustments. Computers & Operations Research, vol. 107, p. 127 – 139,
Kallrath, J., Klosterhalfen, S., Frey, M., Buchmann, J., Schreieck, A. and Blackburn, R. (2019): Creating cost transparency to support strategic planning in complex chemical value chains. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 279(2), p. 605 – 619,
Kallrath, J. and Frey, M. (2019): Packing circles into perimeter-minimizing convex hulls. Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 73, p. 723 – 759,
Fink, M, Desaulniers, G., Frey, M., Kiermaier, F. and Kolisch, R. (2019): Column Generation for Vehicle Routing Problems with multiple Synchronization Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272(2), p. 699 – 711,
Youngbum, H., Frey, M., Kiermaier, F. and Bard, J.F. (2019): An investigation of shift and break flexibility with real-time break assignments using a rolling horizon approach. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, vol. 31(1),
Kallrath, J. and Frey, M. (2018): Minimal Surface Convex Hulls of Spheres. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, vol. 46, p. 883 – 913,
Gartner, D., Frey, M. and Kolisch, R. (2018): Hospital-wide Therapist Scheduling and Routing: Exact and Heuristic Methods. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, vol. 8(4), p. 268 – 279, 10.1080/24725579.2018.1530314.
Frey, M. Kiermaier, F. and Kolisch, R. (2017): Optimizing Inbound Baggage Handling at Airports. INFORMS Transportation Science, vol. 51(4), p. 1210 – 1225,
Frey, M., Kolisch, R. and Artigues, C. (2017): Column Generation for Outbound Baggage Handling at Airports. INFORMS Transportation Science, vol. 51(4), p. 1226 – 1242,
Kiermaier, F., Frey, M. and Bard J.F. (2016): Flexible Cyclic Rostering in the Service Industry. IIE Transactions, vol. 48(12), p. 1139 – 1155,
Frey, M. (2015). Wie Operations-Research einen der effizientesten Flughäfen der Welt noch effizienter macht. OR-News.
2018 FICO Decisions Award for AI, Machine Learning & Optimization of the Fair Isaac Corporation
2015 Preis für Dissertationen der “Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V.”