Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuela Waltz

Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte der Hochschule, Studiengangleiter und Studienfachberater Fahrzeugtechnik (Master)

Raum: A232
Lehrgebiet: Technische Mechanik und Mehrkörpersysteme


  • Betriebsfestigkeit von Elastomerbauteilen
  • Schwingfestigkeit von Fügeverbindungen


  • Seit 2008: Professorin an der THI
  • 2004-2008: AUDI AG: Ingenieurin in der Abteilung "Betriebsfestigkeit, Karosserie und Gesamtfahrzeug"
  • 1999-2004: Labor für Leichtbau: Promotion mit dem Thema "Dynamisches Verhalten gummigefederter Räder"
  • 1999-2001: RWTH Aachen: Aufbaustudium im Bereich "Fahrzeugtechnik"
  • 1994-1998: Studium der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik


ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024, 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
ERNST, Benedikt, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Heinz Werner HÖPPEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Comparison of the Young’s modulus of the lead free solder alloy Sn-Ag3.8-Cu0.7 determined by hot tensile tests, ultrasonic measurements and ????-Sn single crystal calculations. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2024(916), 147354. ISSN 1873-4936. Verfügbar unter:
GOTTWALT, Albin, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Manuela WALTZ und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2024. Influence of Subsequent Heat Treatment on Fatigue Behavior of Shear-Cut Electrical Steel Sheets. Alloys, 3(4), 281-294. ISSN 2674-063X. Verfügbar unter:
GOTTWALT, Albin, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Manuela WALTZ, Rainer VÖLKL, Uwe GLATZEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2023. Cyclic deformation behavior of non-oriented electrical steel sheets. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2023(886), 145684. ISSN 0921-5093. Verfügbar unter:
GOTTWALT, Albin, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Manuela WALTZ und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2023. Influence of the cutting method on the fatigue life and crack initiation of non-oriented electrical steel sheets. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024(180), 108073. ISSN 1879-3452. Verfügbar unter:
KUBASCHINSKI, Paul, Albin GOTTWALT, Ulrich TETZLAFF, Holm ALTENBACH und Manuela WALTZ, 2023. Modelling and simulation of the hardness profile and its effect on the stress‐strain behaviour of punched electrical steel sheets. Materials Science & Engineering Technology, 54(4), 512-526. ISSN 0933-5137. Verfügbar unter:
GOTTWALT, Albin, Paul KUBASCHINSKI, Manuela WALTZ, Uwe GLATZEL und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2022. An experimental setup for fatigue testing of thin electrical steel sheets. International Journal of Fatigue, 2022(162), 106987. ISSN 0142-1123. Verfügbar unter:
KUBASCHINSKI, Paul, Albin GOTTWALT, Ulrich TETZLAFF, Holm ALTENBACH und Manuela WALTZ, 2022. Calibration of a combined isotropic-kinematic hardening material model for the simulation of thin electrical steel sheets subjected to cyclic loading. Materials Science & Engineering Technology, 53(4), 422-439. ISSN 1521-4052. Verfügbar unter:
KUBASCHINSKI, Paul, Albin BARUTH, Ulrich TETZLAFF, Holm ALTENBACH und Manuela WALTZ, 2022. Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung der zyklischen Kennwerte von dünnem Elektroblech im Rahmen der rechnerischen Lebensdauerabschätzung. In: Betriebsfestigkeit - Wissensmanagement und Methodenentwicklung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette, S.163-178. Verfügbar unter:
THAMBI, Joel Luther, Ulrich TETZLAFF, Andreas SCHIESSL, Klaus-Dieter LANG und Manuela WALTZ, 2020. Evaluation of the relationship between stress and lifetime of Pb-free solder joints subjected to vibration load using a generalized local stress approach. Microelectronics Reliability, 2020(106), 113560. ISSN 0026-2714. Verfügbar unter:
THAMBI, Joel Luther, Andreas SCHIESSL, Manuela WALTZ, Klaus-Dieter LANG und Ulrich TETZLAFF, 2017. Modified Constitutive Creep Laws With Micromechanical Modeling of Pb-Free Solder Alloys. Journal of Electronic Packaging, 139(3), 031002. ISSN 1528-9044. Verfügbar unter:
THAMBI, Joel Luther, Ulrich TETZLAFF, Andreas SCHIESSL, Klaus-Dieter LANG und Manuela WALTZ, 2016. High cycle fatigue behaviour and generalized fatigue model development of lead-free solder alloy based on local stress approach. Microelectronics Reliability, 98-105. ISSN 0026-2714. Verfügbar unter: