The focus of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt is on technology and economics. In addition to outstanding practice-oriented teaching, THI is distinguished by its research strength. Linked to the regional economic structure, THI positions itself as Germany's leading mobility university.
Practice-oriented Teaching

An obligatory practical semester in each Bachelor's programme and numerous project and final theses are core features of the application reference. More than 600 students study in cooperation with one of the 120 dual partners. Seminaristic teaching formats in small groups and a variety of internships allow for individual support of the students.
As a technical university, it is our claim to actively participate in shaping the digital transformation in economy and society. To this end, we will successively integrate digitally-supported courses into our classroom teaching, in addition to the development of new study programmes for digitisation
Applied Research

With 40 research professorships, 300 research associates and a research volume of around €33 million p.a., THI occupies an outstanding position in Germany in relation to its size.
Research at THI is organised in eight internal research institutes - CARISSMA(C-IAD, C-ISAFE, C-ECOS), Institute for Innovative Mobility (IIMo), Institute for New Energy Systems (InES), AImotion Bavaria, Research and Transfer Center Sustainability Neuburg (ForTraNN), Bavarian Foresight Institute - as well as individual fields of expertise. The university also works closely with the three AN institutes AININ, Fraunhofer Application Center and inas. In the HRK Research Map the THI is recognised with the three research focus areas "Vehicle Safety and Innovative Mobility", "Artificial Intelligence" and "Renewable Energies".
The Doctoral School at THI currently supervises over 160 doctoral students. In BayWISS, THI is involved in and coordinates the joint research programme "Mobility and Transport";
Executive Education

In order to keep up with the increasing pace of innovation and the rapid growth of knowledge in all professional fields, THI has made academic continuing education a central concern. The Institute for Executive Education (IAW), founded in 2008, bundles all activities of the university's continuing education programme and offers a variety of events and courses under this roof. The target group is professionals who want to gain further qualifications while working. The IAW offers a wide range of courses, from part-time Master's programmes to tailor-made corporate programmes, as well as individual events and public lectures.

THI graduates are well prepared for the export-oriented economy. Every second THI graduate has already gained international experience by the time they graduate. At 140 partner universities, students are offered a variety of opportunities for a stay abroad. Each course of study includes English-language modules; six purely English-language courses of study are currently offered. The diversity and internationality can be experienced first-hand on the THI campus.
University expansion

The key themes of the university are set out in the "THI 2030" strategy. It documents the expansion of the university to 10,000 students and the expansion of teaching and research in the fields of health / life science and construction, environment, energy / sustainable infrastructure. The strategy also includes preparing students for an international and entrepreneurial economy and the challenge of digital transformation in all areas. With the further expansion of the university, THI would like to contribute to the sustainability and economic strength of the Ingolstadt region.
THI as an employer

Specialists and managers with different levels of qualification must be won over to the THI in the long term. To this end, the university management is particularly concerned to create attractive conditions for employment at the THI. The promotion and motivation of existing employees in the areas of research, teaching and administration is also a focus of further university development.
Gender Equality in European Research Area: THI introduces new Gender Equality Plan

Gender equality is one of the central topics of the European funding programme Horizon Europe. The topic aims to put the competences of everyone to efficient use as well as drive forward the consideration of gender dimension in science. The THI attaches great importance to inclusion, gender aspects and the reduction of structural disadvantages. The Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is meant to set new impulses in these matters.
Departing from this train of thought, along with new EU-projects and partners THI will profit from new perspectives, routines and practices. The introduction of the GEP is also an outcome of the developments at THI up to now: in 2009 the THI developed its first equality plan. After its audit, THI received the certificate “familiengerechte hochschule” (family-friendly university). Recently, in 2019, THI joined the charter “Familie in der Hochschule” (family in university). In this in institutionalized Best Practice Club THI exchanges ideas about further offers of family friendly universities. Especially in the European context, the cooperation of THI with the student club N.I.C.E. regarding integration of international exchange and degree students will find its way into the newly institutionalized GEP.
The task now is to reunite participants and the multiplicity of already existing actions – as well as in science as within the frame of administration and student activities, both regional and in the European research area. Due to this background, the GEP and its further development are firmly set within president and university board.
Link to Gender and Diversity
THI Sustainability Strategy
Innovation and sustainability have played a central role in the university's strategic planning since 2018. Sustainability is anchored as one of four strategic guidelines in the current University Development Plan (HEP) 2023-2027.
Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt 2024 (pdf)
The sustainability strategy is divided into six fields of action, each of which is concretised by four strategic guidelines.
Sustainability is a comprehensive concept that combines social, environmental, and economic aspects. The fields of action therefore cover a broad spectrum - from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teaching modules to resource-conserving utilisation and climate protection management through to networks and partnerships. These complex challenges can only be overcome through an inter- and transdisciplinary approach that brings together expertise and perspectives from different disciplines.
The next step is to put the strategy into practice. Six working groups (WGs) will be set up for this purpose, one for each field of action. The working groups will assume responsibility for the development, implementation, and further development of the strategic guidelines - in close cooperation with the entire sustainability governance structure of THI.