(Potential) Teachers and professors

...Find out what resources are available for you!

Female research associates and instructors

…on the way to getting a doctorate. You can find more funding information here.


...Here you can find information about events held by the women's representative office for secondary school students, university students and professionals.

study IN, a mentoring programme for female students in applied technology and computer science

...Female students in applied technology and computer science: A great offer!

Equality and diversity

...Here you can find out about services provided by our family friendly university as well as information about gender equality at the workplace.

Contact points and contact

For general inquiries, please contact the Office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality in Science and the Arts

Tasks and duties of the THI women's representatives

THI women's representatives

For the university as a whole   

  • Prof. Dr. Katherine Roegner 

Deputy women's representative

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuela Waltz 

THI Business School

  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Raab-Kuchenbuch

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering                     

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuela Waltz

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Glavina


Tasks of the women's representatives

General information:

The tasks and duties of the women’s representative are based on Section 4(2) of the Bavarian Higher Education Act: Women’s representatives keep a vigilant watch for discrimination against female researchers, teachers and students.  They support universities in their efforts to fulfill their duties to effectively implement gender equality.

At our university, the women’s representative specifically:

  • Advocates for women’s interests at our university
  • Represents women’s interests in university bodies (the university senate, extended executive board, university council, faculty council) as well as in appointment committees
  • Supports the executive board in improving family friendly practices at the university and learning conditions for female students.
  • Provides advising on funding opportunities (scholarships for all levels of study and training)
  • Will aid you in case of discrimination, harassment or stalking: Please see our discrimination guidelines for details 

Helpful Links:
Index of scholarships at THI
PhD scholarships for female graduates
Applications for PhD scholarships are due on 1 February in the year for which you are applying.

  • Provides information on career opportunities for women.
  • Provides counselling for victims of discrimination and harassment.
  • Encourages female secondary school students to pursue a university degree.
  • Supports the executive board in efforts to increase the number of women working as instructors and research associates, as well as the number of female students.

Maternity Protection Act

Find out more about working with a child or studying with a child on the Equality and Diversity page. If you are a student covered by the Maternity Protection Act, please contact the Service Center Student Affairs - SCS.

Get an initial overview of the topic of maternity protection on this information sheet.

Here you can find the guidelines of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth on the Maternity Protection Act.


Emergency phone numbers

Please find attached an number of 

contacts für crisis situations at THI and in Ingolstadt

Women's Representative

Officer for Equal Opportunities for Women in Science and the Arts
Prof. Dr. Michaela Regler
Phone: +49 841 9348-4650
Room: F217
Prof. Dr. Beate Navarro Bullock
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science
Prof. Dr. Beate Navarro Bullock
Phone: +49 841 9348-5177
Room: B205


Elke Riegelsberger
Phone: +49 841 9348-7650
Room: J110
Claudia Russell
Phone: +49 841 9348-5075
Room: J110


For questions on ...
... Mentoringmentoring@thi.de

 ... or about 
Technik für Schülerinnen : 

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday
9 - 12 a.m.
by appointment