Press releases

Portrait mit Mann im Vordergrund, hinter Ihm ein Auto mit "CARISSMA"-Label auf der offenen Beifahrertüre

Five million euros for research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI)

Science Minister Markus Blume announces the funding of ten young scientists at five Bavarian universities of applied sciences. Among them is Dr.… more
Portrait von Student Lukas Glossner bei einem sportlichen Wettbewerb, wie er seine Medaille zeigt

First Bachelor, then bronze

From lectures to the podium: THI graduate Lukas Gloßner wins a medal with the German wheelchair basketball team in Paris. more
mann an einem Schreibtisch, der mit einem Set aus verschiedenen Bohrern vor einem Bildschirm sitzt, neben ihm eine Bohrvorrichtung

Combining physics and artificial intelligence (AI) in an innovative way

The inventors Mühenad Bilal and Christian Mayer have developed an innovative light source for which the Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences has… more
Symbolbild, das brennende Teelichter darstellt, sowie eine Hand mit einem brennenden Streichholz

Fatal swimming accident involving two THI students at the Neuburg campus - the university family is shocked and mourning

The news of the fatal swimming accident involving the two young men from Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka has left THI members shocked and stunned. Their… more

Ingolstadt Community Foundation supports ‘THIntegriert’

The project based at the Campus for Continuing Education paves the way for a quick career start for refugee graduates. The community foundation… more
Bild von Herrn Prof. Dr. Helmer mir Urkunde zur Berufung in den Fachbeirat Kraftfahrzeugtechnik

Thomas Helmer appointed to advisory board

The THI Professor of Integral Vehicle Safety and Vehicle Technology contributes his expertise to the Advisory Board for Automotive Engineering of the… more
Fünf Personen im Außenbereich des Campus in Neuburg, die vor einer Pinnwand mit unterschiedlichen Tags stehen und dieskutieren

Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with… more
Drei Personen, die leicht über eine Kiste gebeugt sind

Digging in the name of science

350 kilograms of sand, a 3D camera, and a projector: Professor Georg Passig's installation not only wowed visitors to this year's ON Campus Festival.… more
Personen, die um ein Modell des THI Campus sitzen

How can neighborhood G become even more attractive?

As part of a project, students at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) have developed concepts to upgrade the neighborhood and improve the… more

THI brings sustainable impetus to the 11th grade

Project day at Apian Gymnasium more


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Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019