Press releases

KI-generiertes Bild eines Wissenschaftskinos, dass eine Kinoleinwand sowie Kinobesucher im Freien darstellt, umgeben von Natur, Windrädern und Solarpanals

Shut up, the Second: Science Cinema 2024 Starts

Films, research, questions: This year's THI and KU cinema series starts on the 5th of November at 6.30 pm in the film hall of the vhs Ingolstadt. The… more
Diskussionsrunde bestehend aus sechs Personen im Rahmen der DAAD Förderung

Half a Million Euros for Internationalization

The THI is one of ten universities across Germany that are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the ‘enGlobe_connect’ project… more
Hand, die Glaskugel hält, aus der ein Windrad ragt

Impulses for the Future: Lectures on Sustainability and Innovation

THI continues its successful lecture series ‘Energy - Environment - Sustainability’ this November and December. Experts from science and business will… more
Bild mit Blick auf das schwimmende Science Center der MS-Wissenschaft auf der Spree, im Hintergrund das Reichstagsgebäude

Science Ahoy: THI Thrilled Visitors with a Driving Simulator on an Exhibition Ship

32 cities, 3,000 kilometers, 54,000 visitors: the exhibition ship ‘MS Wissenschaft’ has completed its tour through Germany and Austria. One of the… more
Präsident der Hoschule am Tisch mit drei Personen der New Uzbekistan University

Cooperation with a Region of the Future: THI works Together with New Uzbekistan University

THI and New Uzbekistan University (NUU) have sealed an important partnership that will intensify international academic exchange and cooperation in… more
Gruppenbild der Abschlussveranstaltung Testfeld

5G-Technology for Greater Safety and Sustainability in Transport

The innovative ‘5GoIng’ research project on using 5G technology in mobility has been completed. Since December 2021, science, business, and… more

THI Celebrates Topping-Out Ceremony for the Digital Building

Milestone for the university: the ultra-modern new building is visibly taking shape. Minister of State Christian Bernreiter, THI President Professor… more
Symbolbild Schnuppertage, Studierende sitzen auf einer Wiese unter einem Baum und unterhalten sich

Try out studying: Taster days at the THI

THI is once again offering taster days for prospective students at its Ingolstadt and Neuburg campuses from 28 October to 3 November. This will give… more
KI-generiertes Symbilbild der US-Wahlen mit verschiedenen datenanalytischen Symbolen, Personen an Schreibtischen und der US-Flagge im Hintergrund

THI Futurelab: Taking a look into the future with maths

A new president will be elected in the USA on the 5th of November. But what does this mean for us in Europe? And who is likely to win the election?… more
Gruppenbild der 1. und 3. Gewinner des Management Cup Bayerns

Series of successes continues: THI takes first and third place at the Management Cup Bavaria

This is the fifth time in the tournament's 21-year history that THI has brought the challenge cup to Ingolstadt. The Schanzer team prevailed against… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019