Press releases

Symboldbild vom Campus mit strahlender Sonne am Himmel

Barbecue, exchange, science: Summer party of the THI Sponsors' Association

In sunshine and pleasant temperatures, the Friends of THI once again brought together celebrations and research at the Sustainability Campus Neuburg.… more
Gruppembild der Spendenübergabe der THI an das Bayerische Rote Kreuz für die Flutopfer in Bayern

THI donates 6,457 euros to the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK)

This year's ON Campus Festival took place shortly after the flood disaster, which hit the Ingolstadt area particularly hard. A donation account was… more
Einblick in die Willkommens-Veranstaltung der Kolumbianischen Delegation an der THI mit Teilnehmenden und Rednern

Colombian delegation explores innovation ecosystem

Alejandro Tieck Gaviria, Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Medellín, and young professionals studying part-time at EAFIT… more
Bild von drei Männern in der Aula der THI mit einem Banner von VDE Bayern im Hintergrund

University group of the Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VDE) founded

Julian Klinger, a Master's student in Industrial Engineering and Management, Professor Michael Jarschel, and Peter Rief, Head of VDE Bavaria,… more
Gruppenbild der Teilnehmenden des Uni-Tags mit Urkunde

University Day organized by THI and KU: impulses for gifted students

At the joint University Day organized by Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU),… more
Gruppenbild vom Abschluss des Projekts MIAMy

Complete success: VorSAFe-Plus has developed an intelligent vehicle safety system for future automated vehicles

At the final presentation at CARISSMA at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, the scientists presented their results to the project organizers… more
KiGa-Kind in einem Labor mit Schutzbrille und -Kleidung, im Hintergrund Reagenzgläser

When little explorers get big eyes

A visit to the lab: 32 children from the Münster kindergarten went on a voyage of discovery at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences and carried… more
Gruppenbild aus Sechs Personen an einem Testplatz

The InFra (Intelligent Infrastructure) research project completed

The InFra project aimed to develop an intelligent traffic light system for a pedestrian crossing. An intelligent roadside infrastructure unit with… more
Gruppenbild der Gewinner und Unterstützer Klimaschule LSH

Shaping a sustainable future

The winning projects of this year's Youth Sustainability Award at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences impressed with their innovative strength… more
Symbolbild Bachelor-Talks mit Student im Vordergrund, schreibend, Laptop im Hintergrund

Last minute decision aid

You've got your A-levels in the bag and are still not sure what to do next. The Bachelor Talks at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, which… more


Please reach the THI press dept. via

Press Officer
Simone Ketterl, M. A.
Phone: +49 841 9348-2135
Room: D019