Prof. Dr. Thomas Doyé

Subject Area:
Human Resources and Organisation Development
- Concepts and structures for executive training
- HR strategy
- Change management
- Compensation & benefits
- Research on executive training
- 2007-2019: Vice president of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and director of the Institute for Executive Education
- Since 2000: Professor at THI
- 2000: Doctorate at the University of Potsdam (Dr. rer. pol.) on the subject: "Analysis and assessment of company benefits"
- 1999-2000: Dresdner Bank AG, director of HR Development
- 1994-1998: EADS (now Airbus), Head of Division Executive Development
- 1990-1994: Daimler AG, Head of HR Policy
- 1986-1990: BMW AG, HR manager
- 1986: Qualified as lawyer
- 1982-1986: Government of Upper Bavaria, legal in-service training
- 1979-1984: Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, degree in business management (diploma)
- 1977-1982: Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, degree in law
- 1976-1977: Community service in a psychiatric clinic
- 1967-1976: Christoph-Scheiner-Gymnasium Ingolstadt