Prof. Dr. Alfred Quenzler

Subject Area:
International Human Resources and Organisation Management
- AUDI AG, Ingolstadt: Benchmark for international companies' career pages
- Brose, Coburg: Development of a concept to strengthen the international employer brand in China and India
- EFS GmbH: Structuring of HR and implementation of a manager selection process
- Institute of Applied Research (IAF), Ingolstadt: Development of a concept to professionalise research marketing
- KHRC: Definition of key indicators in HR recruiting and employer branding
- MAN: Optimisation of recruiting activities from the HR 4.0 perspective
- Queb e.V: Conception of nationwide HR controlling standard for employer branding and recruiting in Germany
- SEAT (Barcelona): Segmentation of the Spanish labour market
- Study: Worlds of work in the future with regard to agile management
- Studies on the impact of digitalisation on employees
- Study on health-conscious withdrawal from working life by managers
- Study on the attitudes and expectations of generation Y, Z and alpha.
- VDI e. V., Düsseldorf: Projects dedicated to the further qualification and recruitment of engineers
- Wertikale, agency for creative business, Berlin: Evaluation of corporate culture in companies
- Since Oct. 2019: Acedemic Director of the Institute of Executive Education
- Since 2016: Course Director Management in Social Professions at the Institute for Executive Education
- Since 2015: Board Member of Bundesverband Employer Branding, Personalmarketing und Recruiting e.V (
- Since 2012: Course Director Management in Health Professions at the Institute for Executive Education
- Since 2010: Chairman of the Career and Labour Market Advisory Board, VDI e.V.
- Since 2010: Full member of VDI e.V.
- Since 2009: Head of the HR Marketing and Recruiting Controlling Working Group, Queb e.V.
- Since 2009: Professor at THI
- 1999-2009: Various lectureships in areas such as rhetorical communication, social skills, HR management
- 2004-2008: Work-study doctorate at the Chair of Economics, focusing on economic and social policy, topic: "The benefits of in-house professional development in large corporations"
- 2002-2009: Head of international HR marketing, recruiting, employer branding, young talent programmes and educational policy at the Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm sites with responsibility for 45 staff
- 1998-2002: International management training: Conception and implementation of an entrepreneur successor programme, various training courses (marketing, presentation, rhetoric) for the management of AUDI AG
- 1997: Qualification as a communication trainer (IRK) in Regensburg
- 1996-1999: University training as a speech trainer (DGSS) at the University of Regensburg
- 1993-1998: Communication consultant in international marketing at AUDI AG for the countries of Northern/Eastern Europe and South America
- 1986-1992: Degree in business management at the University of Regensburg
- 1983-1985: Bank apprenticeship with Deutsche Bank in Ingolstadt and Frankfurt