Prof. Dr. Andrea Raab-Kuchenbuch

Women's Representative of THI Business School
Subject Area:
Marketing and Service Management
- Service-dominant logic in the healthcare sector
- Management of in-patient facilities in the healthcare sector
- Referral relations management
- Health tourism
- Since 2000: Professor at THI
- 1999-2000: Head of controlling in the information and communication divisions of Siemens AG, Central Finance Department, Munich
- 1999: Senior Manager Strategic Services, Andersen Consulting, Munich
- 1997-1999: Manager Strategic Services, Andersen Consulting, Munich
- 1994-1997: Corporate audit specialist, Siemens AG, Central Corporate Planning and Development Department, Munich
- 1995: Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.)
- 1993-1994: Doctoral studies in the Central HR Department, Siemens AG, Munich
- 1993-1994: Doctorate at the Chair of Sociology and Empirical Social Research, University of Augsburg
- 1992: Degree (Diplom-Kauffrau)
- 1987: Started degree in economics and social sciences at the University of Augsburg