Accolade for THI Business School

The faculty is now AACSB-accredited. Only around six percent of all business schools worldwide achieve this. This makes THI the first university of applied sciences in Bavaria to complete the process successfully.

Gruppenbild der Studiengangverantwortlichen im 3. Stock der Aula der THI

Professor Michael Fronmüller (3rd from left) together with Dean Professor Bernd Scheed (right) and the Business School team (Photo: Severin Mantel-Lehrer/THI).

It was a demanding process with extensive evaluations and surveys: Relevant criteria included the university philosophy, the curricula of the individual degree programs, and the teaching qualifications and research achievements of the teaching staff. In addition, Professor Michael Fronmüller from the AACSB Peer Review Team visited THI several times to check whether the business school meets the high AACSB requirements.

Now it's done: the Business School can count itself among the illustrious circle of AACSB-accredited institutions. ‘We are delighted to receive AACSB accreditation. It reflects the hard work of our entire team and our strong commitment to excellence in global business education,’ emphasizes Bernd Scheed, Dean of THI Business School.

The AACSB accreditation stands for the highest quality standards and promotes new approaches in business education worldwide. Less than six percent of business schools worldwide are AACSB-accredited. With today's ratification, a total of 1,036 institutions in 65 countries have received AACSB accreditation in the field of business. AACSB stands for Association of Advanced Collegiate Schools of Business and is the world's leading accreditation organization for business degree programs. It was founded in 1916 in St. Louis, USA.