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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Podcast episode "Upgrade2Prof - How do I become a professor?"

Can you become a professor even if you don't have a doctorate yet? Patrick Weiss answers these and other questions about the Junior Professorship at… more
Two men in a conversation.

Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer in an interview with mü

TV presenter Prof. Dr. phil. h. c. mult. Erich Lejeune invited Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer, professor of “Business IT and Digital Commerce” at THI… more
: A multi-lane road crisscrossed with colorful lines in the foreground, the skyline of a city in the background

Prof. Dr. Michael Jünger involved in publication in journal "Smart Cities".

The article "Assessing Factors Influencing Citizens' Behavioural Intention towards Smart City Living", in which Prof. Dr. Michael Jünger from THI… more
A group of students and their professors in a classroom

Babson College students visit EDB

Students on the Entrepreneurship and Digital Business (EDB) Master's degree program were delighted to receive an unusual visit. The Entrepreneurship… more
two men standing in front of an orange curtain, showing a framed certificate.

Best Poster Award for THI Business School research project

In September, the sixth annual conference of the EURO Working Group on Retail Operations took place in Stockholm, where THI Business School was… more


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