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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Professors of THI Business School visited Shenzhen Technology University

Prof. Dr. Günter Hofbauer, Professor for Marketing and Technical Sales, and Prof. Dr. Christian Locher, Professor for Digital Business at THI… more

Guest lecturer from Finland visited THI Business School

On invitation of Prof. Dr. Torsten Graap, Professor for Socio-economics and accounting at THI Business School, Pasi Kuusijärvi of the Tampere… more

Representatives of THI Business School visit AACSB conference

Prof. Dr. Christian Locher of THI Business School presented the concept of THI’s Bachelor degree programme Digital Business at the annual conference… more
Prof. Dr. Mandy Habermann (left) besides Felix Hartmann

Lecture about bitcoins and blockchain technology

Felix Hartmann is a 24-year-old German-American entrepreneur, consultant and founder of his own hedge funds Hartmann Capital. In the middle of… more

New study: How online shops can charge extra costs for delivery

Germans dislike paying delivery costs when buying online – a severe problem for online retailers who have to compensate steadily increasing postal… more


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