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News of the THI Business School

Guest lecture about online marketing

Dr. Peter Stiller, founder and CEO of numerous online companies gave a guest lecture in the Bachelor Degree Programme International Management at THI… more

THI Business School in the „Wirtschaftswoche“

Companies involved in e-commerce rely on employees who can both sell and have solid IT skills. Now a special of the "Wirtschaftswoche" on the subject… more

Guest lecturer from Egypt teaches at THI Business School

Prof. Dr. Hamed Shamma from the Department of Management of the American University in Cairo, Egypt, stayed at THI Business School for two weeks as… more

New Faculty Board of THI Business School starts work

At the end of November, the newly elected Faculty Board of THI Business School convened for its inaugural meeting. Beside Dean Prof. Dr. Bernd… more

Guest lectures about Content- and Video-Marketing

Twice in a few weeks, guest lecturers visited the lecture Digital Marketing in the Master’s Degree Programme Marketing / Sales / Media of THI Business… more


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