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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Lecturer sitting in front of his laptop while screening his lecture

Digital teaching - interim results of THI Business School

In the summer semester 2020 everything is different. For lecturers, students and administrative staff. No lectures in reference mode, library closed,… more

ThinkBusiness Podcast, Episode 6: Dealing with the corona virus

In the latest episode, host Florian Katzenberger interviews two guests who give an update on how the THI deals with the corona virus: Prof. Dr.… more
Four portraits of students and the ThinkBusiness Podcast Logo

Welcome back to the ThinkBusiness Podcast!

In today's episode, our host Florian Katzenberger talks to Siri Lang, Head of Department Recruiting and HR at THI. If you are like us, you probably… more
Prof. Barfuß and Prof. Scheed shake hands

THI Business School bids farewell to Prof. Barfuß

For almost seven years, he lectured and researched at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Georg Barfuß, Professor for Corporate Social Responsibility. By… more

International guest lectures visit THI

Four international guest lecturers visited THI Business School at the end of November to talk about leadership and complexity theory. They followed… more


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