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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Four people standing on stairs in front of the Elisabeth hospital

Donation campaign: Students sew protective masks

Sophia Kick, Lisa Matzke and Philipp Ettinger have done a real hard work for the good cause: in 43 days, the three students of the THI Business School… more

ThinkBusiness Podcast, episode 11: LIVE discussion with Prof. Decker and Prof. Stummeyer

 Due to the corona virus, all courses at THI this summer semester are given exclusively in digital form. Does Corona offer a chance for the expansion… more

Prof. Alexander Decker in an interview with the BR programme "Zündfunk“

The development of a European search index, which should become an alternative to Google - that is the goal of the Open Search Foundation (OSF). It is… more

ThinkBusiness Podcast, episode 10: How to be successful as an influencer

In the latest episode, our host Viktor Petrov interviews the social media influencer Janina Hager. She studies the Master degree programme Marketing /… more
Screenshot of the video

American Marketing Association honors educational video

What is "Service-Dominant Logic"? Prof. Dr. Andrea Raab-Kuchenbuch, Professor for Marketing and Service Management at THI Business School, created… more


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