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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

2 hands holding an IPad and taking a photograph of a shop

Guest article by Prof. Stummeyer in the German newspaper "Handelsblatt”

"Der Handel der Zukunft – digitaler, direkter, überraschender" (engl.: Retail in the Future - more digital, more direct, more surprising): Under this… more
Bernd Scheed and Michael Sternbeck standing besides each other

Michael Sternbeck becomes professor at THI Business School

Reinforcement for THI Business School: Since September 2020, Michael Sternbeck has been the newly appointed Professor for Supply Chain Management and… more
students sitting in a lecture room

THI Business School starts the winter semester

As much attendance teaching as possible, as much digital teaching as necessary - this is the credo with which THI Business School started the winter… more
The members of the newly established Advisory Board

THI Business School establishes Advisory Board

A committee of outstanding graduates who have successfully started their careers - that is the newly founded Advisory Board of THI Business School.… more

THI student fights for the mental strengthening of teenagers

Tatjana Bittner, a student in the Bachelor's degree programme International Management at THI Business School, together with her sister Lorena, has… more


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