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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Study analyzes apps against food waste

The 14- to 24-year-olds, the so-called "Generation Z," attach great importance to the environment, climate protection and sustainability. However,… more

Master's student investigates potential of electric shipping

Electrification of liner shipping to improve the carbon footprint of large cities? Stephan Geins, a student in the Automotive & Mobility Management… more

THI Business School students coach high school graduates

What marketing tricks does the confectionery industry use? That is what Johannes Treffer, a high school graduate at FOS/BOS Ingolstadt, investigated… more
Elena Frosch in front of a high-level rack

Career paths: from RCM graduate to management

Ribbons and fabrics rule her life: Elena Frosch is one of the first graduates of the Retail and Consumer Management master's degree program of THI… more
Sebastian Herb during his donation of stem cells in a hospital

Master's student donates stem cells

Sebastian Herb is studying for a master's degree in Marketing / Sales / Media at THI Business School and has saved the life of a little girl - with a… more


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