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29 Mar

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News of the THI Business School

FIFA 21 gambling for a good cause

Under the title "GamING for Charity", four students of THI Business School have collected donations for the street ambulance St. Franziskus with a… more

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina Schauberger

With the start of the summer semester 2021, a new professor will be teaching and conducting research at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Katharina… more

RCM student develops measures to support wineries during pandemic

What impact does the Corona pandemic have on viticulture? And how should winegrowers or wineries deal with it? Tobias Rally, a student in the… more
Screenshot of the zoom video conference

Successful THI Business School online symposium on the topic of "Digital Business Models"

"Excellent" or "very informative and well organized": These and similar were the comments made by the participants of the symposium "Digital Business… more


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