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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Two men in suits looking into the camera

Visit from the Dean of KAIST University from South Korea

Prof. Dr. Peter Augsdörfer welcomed Prof. Choung Jae-Yong, Dean of the School of Business and Technology Management at the Korea Advanced Institute of… more
Two men stand opposite each other and laughingly give each other a fist salute, in the background a whiteboard with writing on it and a television on which a presentation is playing.

Alexander Weber from A4nXT for guest lecture in the master's degree program "Entrepreneurship and Digital Business"

Alexander K. Weber, Venture Manager at A4nXT, the Venture Clienting Unit of AUDI AG, provided exciting insights from practice in the master's degree… more
In the lecture hall, a company representative shows a presentation, a group of students looks at it attentively.

International project in the International Management (IG) degree program

In cooperation with the Université Bretagne Sud, France, students on the International Management Bachelor's degree program at THI Business School… more
Prof. Dr. Tanja Sinha in front of a grey background.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Sinha on the role of female managers in times of crisis

In her latest study, Prof. Dr. Tanja Sinha, Professor of Corporate Finance and Degree Program Director of the Master's degree program in Financial… more
The excerpt from a poster for an event on the topic of "Analytics with impact: How to build supply chain heroes in B2B wholesale?

THI Business School and KU invite you to a joint supply chain guest lecture on June 26

On June 26, 2024, THI Business School and KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt invite you to a joint guest lecture by Max Meister and Florian Ostendarp on the… more


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