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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

students standing beside each other in front of a lecture hall

New Bachelor Life Science Management successfully launched

The new Life Science Management degree program has been successfully launched at THI Business School. Around 30 first-year students are enrolled in… more

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Oliver Gmelch

Oliver Gmelch joins THI Business School as Professor of Digital Business and IT Management. Prof. Dr. Gmelch studied and received his doctorate in… more
Icon of the Open Search Foundation

MVM students develop social media marketing concept for the Open Search Foundation

Students in the Marketing / Sales / Media (MVM) master's degree program at THI Business School have developed a complete social media marketing… more
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Prof. Stummeyer publishes guest article in HandelsblattJournal

Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer from THI Business School has published a guest article in the current special edition of the HandelsblattJournal on… more

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Florian Huber

At the start of the winter semester 21/22, Prof. Dr. Florian Huber was appointed Professor of Entrepreneurship and Digital Business at THI Business… more


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