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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Woman in a red dress receives a cheque from a man.

MVM student receives award for outstanding master's thesis

The clothes are fair trade, the coffee too - at least that's what the seal printed on the products suggests. But does such information influence our… more
3 people stand side by side on a stage. The man in the middle holds up an oversized check.

THI bids farewell to its graduates

They made it, finally: almost 1,200 students successfully graduated from THI last year, 363 of them from THI Business School. The festive farewell… more

New publication by Bernd Scheed and Petra Scherer

Prof. Dr. Bernd Scheed, Professor of International Marketing and Sales at THI Business School, and Petra Scherer, Managing Director of ValueHub GmbH… more
[Translate to English:] Prof. Stummeyer sitzt in einem roten Sessel

TV interview with Prof. Stummeyer on the topic of "Digitalization”

Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer, Professor of Business IT and Digital Commerce at THI Business School, gave a detailed commentary on the many… more
Empty depot

When the shelves stay empty

Will there soon be a shortage of truck drivers in Germany, as can already be seen in the UK? Prof. Dr. Stefan Rock, Professor of Retail Management and… more


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