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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Forbes magazine lists Prof. Schuhmacher's research group as one of the most important in the world

How much do the multi-billion dollar research budgets of pharmaceutical companies really contribute to the development of new drugs? This question is… more

Prof. Stummeyer gives guest lecture at Indonesian university

Prof. Dr. Christian Stummeyer, Professor of Business Informatics and Digital Commerce at THI Business School, gave a guest lecture on "Seven Success… more

Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker takes over as head of the THI Language Center

THI's Language Center has a new head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Becker, Professor of Digital Automotive Management at THI Business School, took over from Prof.… more

THI Business School students develop mobility concept for cities in South Tyrol

Bressanone/Brixen and Brunico/Bruneck - in these two cities, students from the Automotive & Mobility Management master's program at THI Business… more
Picture of the newspaper article

Claudia Lieske in an interview with the Donaukurier

"Eight and a half years later I can say from my own life experience that I still don't regret a single day and that I am a professor with great… more


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