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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Guest Lecture in Master Entrepreneurship and Digital Business

What are the reasons and challenges when established companies invest in start-ups and their ideas? What role does the innovation department of the… more

UN symposium: How companies can best tap the creative potential of their employees

Developing and pushing innovative ideas, also when management doesn't encourage them or is even opposed to them - employees, especially in large… more

Practical project: Development of a website for WiLink e.V.

Richard Eck, Tim Gruber and Julius Klier have developed a website for WiLink e.V., a non-profit association that aims to network schools with the… more

Guest lecturers from the USA and South Africa teach at THI Business School

Prof. Dr. Martin Bader from THI Business School has attracted international reinforcement for the Master Entrepreneurship and Digital Business, M.… more

Students sensitize children to environmental pollution caused by waste

Germans produce more than 600 kilos of waste per capita on average each year, according to Eurostat, the EU statistics authority. Reason enough for… more


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