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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Lecture on cryptocurrencies: Prof. Locher at "otto"

"Bitcoin & Co: a question of faith?" This was the title of a lecture given by Prof. Dr. Christian Locher, Professor of Digital Business at THI… more
Mehrere Personen stehen in einer Reihe vor einer Glasscheibe hinter der ein Schweißroboter ist

Practical project: "Social Selling" as a corporate strategy

Four students from the Marketing / Sales / Media master's program at THI Business School prepared a market and competition analysis for Düring… more
Portrait pictures

How retail companies can better interpret visitor flows

How do customers move around in stores and when do they buy something? Anna Ulrichshofer and Prof. Dr. Michael Jungbluth from THI Business School used… more
A dozen of pepole standing in a row

22,000 euros raised at UNICEF fundraising run

After two years of Corona, THI's UNICEF university group had a problem: lack of motivation among members, no project ideas, lack of commitment. Gloria… more
4 students standing in front of a booth

Science On, Arts On, Party On - full program at the OnCampus Festival

Around 5,000 enthusiastic visitors and more than 100 different events - the OnCampus Festival at THI was a complete success. THI Business School also… more


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