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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

New at THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Kathrin Tissot-Daguette

The team of professors at THI Business School has been reinforced: Since September 1, Prof. Dr. Kathrin Tissot-Daguette has been teaching and… more
Students give a presentation in front of an audience

MVM students successfully complete practical projects

Students of the Masters Marketing / Sales / Media (MVM) at THI Business School have successfully completed their practical project at Jauch Quartz… more

„Bundesverdienstkreuz“ (engl.: order of merit) for Professor emeritus Thomas Doyé

Prof. Dr. Thomas Doyé, professor emeritus of THI Business School, former vice president of THI and founder of the "Institut für Akademische… more
three students in a row, holding the award in their hands

Digital Business students win Founder's Prize Ingolstadt 2022

Marie Stahlhut, Lisa Rüeck and Jonas Hermann from the Digital Business bachelor's degree program at THI Business School have won at the Ingolstadt… more

THI students develop marketing and sales concept for Allgäuer Hofmilch

Students of the Masters Marketing / Sales / Media at THI Business School have developed a comprehensive marketing and sales concept for Allgäuer… more


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