News and Events at THI Business School

Upcoming Events

17 Mar

Online-Infoveranstaltung Bachelor-Talks

29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

People in a foyer and at the exhibition stand

First-hand information

This year's University Information Day (HIT) was also very busy at THI Business School stand. Many interested people took the opportunity to get… more
Four people at the meeting table

Getting better and better

Continuous development of study programmes - this is very important to us at THI Business School. That's why we regularly invite former students,… more
Zwei Frauen stehen sich gegenüber

Campus life at THI fascinated hundreds of visitors

Discover virtual worlds, listen to your own muscle power or take a seat in a self-driving car: Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) presented… more
Extract from the cover of a magazine

In-store customer analytics for more efficiency in stationary trade

"In-Store-Customer-Analytics: Measurement Approaches For a Better Understanding of Untapped Conversion Potential." Under this title, Prof. Dr. Michael… more
Portrait photo of a man

New at the THI Business School: Prof. Dr. Cristian Loza Adaui

Prof. Dr. Cristian Loza Adaui started at the THI Business School on 1 March. As a Management and Corporate Social Responsibility Professor, he will… more

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