News and Events at THI Business School

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News of the THI Business School

Six women in a creative lab

EDB students at the workshop "Art of Start - Von der Kunst eine Unternehmerin zu sein "

Female students of the master’s program "Entrepreneurship and Digital Business" at THI Business School had the great opportunity to participate in the… more
Five people at a desk talking.

Unitag 2023 takes places at THI Business School

Twelve school students took the opportunity to get a taste of university life as part of the "Unitag" project at the THI Business School. Prof. Dr.… more
Three men in a building.

Milestone on the way to AACSB accreditation: Pre-visit of the AACSB Chair

The THI Business School has passed another important milestone on the way to AACSB accreditation: Prof. Dr. Michael Fronmüller (AACSB Peer Review… more
Screenshot of an online conference

Bootlegging Symposium on the occasion of the UN Creativity and Innovation Day

The "UN Creativity and Innovation Day" on 21 April calls for mobilising political will and resources to solve global problems. On the occasion of this… more
Collage Screenshot Event Announcement/Portrait of a Man

Success with intellectual property (IP) strategies

Prof. Martin Bader, Head of the Master's programme "Entrepreneurship & Digital Business" at THI Business School was speaker at an online webinar of… more

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