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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Two men in a lecture hall in front of a group of students

Johannes Wieczorek from the Federal Ministry of Transport as guest speaker at THI Business School

A group of students from the THI Business School received a special visit: Johannes Wieczorek, responsible for climate and environmental protection in… more
A woman and a man in the recording studio

"Talents, Heart & Innovations": New THI podcast series launched

Prof. Dr Christian Stummeyer, Professor of Business Informatics and Digital Commerce at THI Business School, was a guest on the pilot episode of the… more

“Interest rate shock”: Guest lecture with bank representatives in the Elective Controlling and Finance

Two generations of alumni were guests at THI Business School: Marc Rieger and Lukas Brandstetter, both from Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG,… more
Prof. Schmidt sitting in a crowd of about 15 students

Welcome event for dual first semester students at THI Business School

They have just started at THI Business School: The numerous freshmen who have taken up dual studies in a wide variety of Bachelor's and Master's… more

Prof. Decker as an expert in the ZDF magazine WISO

Can apps help prevent food waste? Prof. Dr. Alexander Decker, Professor of Consumer Goods Marketing and New Media at THI Business School, commented on… more


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