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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Trends in retail - Prof. Marc Knoppe at the Retail Discussion Panel 2022

Trends in Retail - At the COMARCH Retail Discussion Panel 2022, a panel of experts discussed retail developments and what can be done to keep a finger… more

Guest lecture in the Marketing / Sales / Media master's program

What skills do employees in sales need? Thomas Nimsgern, Vice President Sales and Head of Sales at Kessel AG, answered this question in a guest… more

Reconstruction of freeway interchange: AMM students accompany central infrastructure project

According to current plans, the Munich East interchange (A 99/A 94) is to be rebuilt starting in 2030 - and students from the Automotive and Mobility… more
A group of male and female persons in the corridor of a building

Study Program Council meeting in Life Science Management degree program

Internal and external professors, students and representatives of the pharmaceutical, medical and biotech industries met at THI Business School for… more
A man giving a lecture

Guest Lecture in the Master degree program "Entrepreneurship and Digital Business"

From THI student to THI lecturer: Felix Huber, who works in innovation management at Audi AG, gave an impulse lecture entitled "Do it with… more


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