Options for going abroad

About 40 % of our students spend a period of time abroad as part of their studies at the Business School. The first point of contact is generally the THI’s International Office, which maintains contact with all partner universities as well as offering consultation and support when it comes to planning and undertaking a period of study or an internship in another country. In addition, all professors and lecturers are more than happy to help when questions arise.

The THI Language Centre prepares students to tackle the linguistic challenges they encounter when they go abroad. It offers languages courses not just in English but also in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Japanese as well as providing instruction in intercultural skills.

Options for going abroad - offers of THI Business School

Semester abroad

Students who opt to take one or more semesters abroad can sign up for courses at one of around 160 THI partner universities and have their credits counted towards their degree course at THI.

The THI International Office offers a detailed step-by-step guide.

Double Degrees

A Double Degree Drogramme enables students to acquire two degrees of equal status – one at THI Business School and another at one of our partner universities.

We currently offer double degree programs with the following (partner) universities for the degree programs mentioned:

University of the Sunshine Coast (Australien)
  • Business Administration (B. A.)
  • Digital Business (B. A.)
  • Global Economics and Business Management (B. A.)
  • International Management (B. A.)
  • Automotive Mobility Management (M. A.)
  • Financial Management and Controlling (M. A.)
  • Marketing / Sales / Media (M. A.)
University of Abertay (Schottland) - (NO partner university)
  • Business Administration (B. A.)
  • Digital Business (B. A.)
  • International Management (B. A.)

The THI International Office is able to provide further details of our Double Degree Programmes.

Summer Schools

Summer Schools last a few weeks and are currently offered at the Business School as part of the following degree courses:

  • Financial Management und Controlling: Summer School in China

This is an ideal opportunity to gain work experience abroad, laying the foundation for a successful career start. If it is planned appropriately, an internship abroad can count fully towards a degree course.

The THI International Office offers a detailed step-by-step guide as well as an internship search portal.

Field reports: My time abroad

Four weeks of Summer School in China

I definitely wanted to join this! From middle of August until middle of September 2018, I and nine fellow students of my master degree program Financial Management and Controllingvisited Beijing and Shanghai. We attended various lectures and visited Chinese companies. In addition, there were guest lecturers who taught for example about behavior towards Chinese business partners.

At the weekends there was enough time to visit Chinese tourist attractions. The Great Wall as well as the skyscrapers of Shanghai and the Tian’men Place in Beijing are absolutely gorgeous.
The best thing is that I made new friends with Chinese and Austrian students. All in all: an absolutely worthwhile experience I will never forget.

Florian Plail, 6th semester, Financial Management and Controlling M.A.


E-Mail: outgoings@thi.de