News International

Two garduates holding the certificates in their hands

First graduates in the Master Retail and Consumer Management

Sarah Elgaard Nielsen and Teresa Schauer are among the first graduates ever to successfully complete THI Business School's international Master's… more
Logo of BMW Group

BMW Group is new dual partner of THI Business School

THI Business School has succeeded in gaining one of the largest and most renowned companies in Germany as a dual partner: The BMW Group offers an… more

Students of THI Business School develop chatbot

Excuse me? Max. The new, competent study advisor of THI. He is available to international students and prospective students on the English THI website… more
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New lecturer at THI Language Center

With Agnès Cots Paltor, the Language Center of Technical University Ingolstadt (THI) has a new lecturer for Spanish. Like almost all lecturers at the… more
Screenshot of the video conference

ThinkBusiness Podcast episode 12: Semester and internship abroad

In today's episode, we interview Eva Ilic and Juan Barbero Navarro from the International Office of THI. Juan Barbero is responsible for all issues… more