THI Karriereportal

We exclusively publish the offers of our partner companies on the THI Karriereportal. Potential employers can introduce themselves and publish internship offers, working student positions, theses, trainee positions and entry opportunities.

To the THI Karriereportal

Research Centre ("ZAF" - Zentrum für Angewandte Forschung)

The Research Centre places particular emphasis on the training and promotion of young scientists. In their Moodle course room, they offer numerous student assistant jobs and theses in research.

To the Research Centre

University job platform ("Hochschul-Jobbörse")

The university job platform is an online platform for job offers in which 14 universities in Bavaria are involved. The platform includes nationwide and international job offers for students, graduates and alumni with initial work experience.

To the university job platform


Deputy Head Career Service
Anja Nigl