
You don't want to go empty handed?

New reservation tool with orientation guide in the library!


Source: V:Scout

Via the V:Scout reservation tool you can book seats and rooms such as carrels (individual study rooms) or a group study room in the library.

A clear 2D and 3D views of the library in V:Scout quickly shows you all the rooms and service offers. 

Reservations via the THI app are no longer possible. Reservations that have already been made had to be deleted.

Examination time

Especially during the exam period, it is advantageous to use the reservation tool. This way you can secure your workplace at a certain time without unnecessary "space occupations" with bags, books, etc.

Conflict situations

Should conflicts arise, please contact the Library's ServicePoint. Outside service hours, the security service will be happy to help you. Phone: 0841/9348 3333

More information about V:Scout

The V:Scout room information system provides a virtual representation of the library of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, making it possible to find rooms and services on the one hand and to book workplaces in the library's reading rooms on the other.

The room booking system can be accessed with any internet-enabled device and your university ID.

With V:Scout, reading room seats, carrels and workspaces can be conveniently reserved online in the V:Scout room booking module. The system is currently in a test phase and will be continuously optimized and expanded.

Do you have any notes? Please let us know your feedback using the contact form

Further operating instructions can be found on the room information system page V:Scout under the help function in the left-hand navigation bar.