Terms of Use and Copyright Provisions

Please note the following when using licensed electronic resources such as e-books, electronic journals, and databases:

In the case of such offers, the copyright provisions and terms of use of the respective publisher or editor are always valid. They are usually found online on the publisher´s servers. Access to the respective offers requires their compliance.

The following applies to all offers:

  • Fulltext access is limited to members of THI.
  • Fulltexts of articles / chapters / workpieces may be printed or saved solely for personal use, teaching and research purposes.
  • A systematic download of articles, chapters or search results, especially by robots, but not limited to, is prohibited. In case of non-observation the access to the respective offer threatens a blockage for the whole campus!
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  • Research results may not be used commercially.

Data Tracking by Publishers

  • Some publishers and providers of scientific information track the search behaviour of users on their websites, create profiles and evaluate the data for their own purposes without the consent of the persons concerned.

Use of artificial intelligence

  • All data that you enter in AI tools will be used as training material for the tool itself or other tools offered by the same company. This also applies to the content of documents that you upload to any AI tool. Therefore, never enter sensitive data into AI tools.
  • In most cases, the use of licensed content and data for the training of or for working with AI tools is not contractually permitted. Please be sure to check the terms of use on the provider's website.