Databases are tools for searching scientific journal articles, conference papers, company information, patents, standards and much more.

Access from the outside

Off-campus access to e-books and databases is only available to THI students and THI staff!

Please use your normal THI access.

Access for externals

External users can only access e-books and databases at the research PCs in the library.
Please bring your own USB stick.

On DBIS for externals you can inform yourself about freely accessible databases on all subject areas. Please switch to English for using the English surface.

Please note the Terms of Use and Access Requirements for licensed electronic resources.

Reference Works

Dubbel: Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau (German language offer)
The reference work focuses on "General Mechanical Engineering" and "Process and Systems Engineering". The three volumes contain basic technical knowledge, mechanical engineering applications and machines and systems.

Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik (German language offer)
Reference work on business informatics for academics, practitioners, and students with keyword categories from A for "Analysemuster" to Z for "Zeitwirtschaft".

Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon (German language offer)
Large German-language selection of business/lexical know-how with over 25,000 keywords.

Lexikon der Mathematik (German language offer)
A total of 17,000 keyword entries in five volumes provide an overview of modern mathematics, its specialist terminology, and its applications. In addition to classical subject areas (e.g. geometry), modern application areas such as coding theory are also covered.

Lexikon der Physik (German language offer)
Around 20,000 keywords and 40,000 references represent the complete knowledge of all physical disciplines. The knowledge is illustrated by short definitions, detailed explanations of the basics, tables, formulas, and equations.

The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
Reference work for a new generation of economists. In addition to classic and fundamental articles of lasting importance, you will also find entries on current topics such as gender and economics, the recent economic crises in the EU, health economics and the economics of the Internet.

VDI-Wärmeatlas (German language offer)
Comprehensive reference work for technical problems in the design and construction of heat exchangers. Collection of material values and methods for technical and industrial application in the process industry and thermal energy technology (incl. calculation methods and designs).

A free encyclopedia that you probably know.


Technology Thesaurus EBSCOhost
English collection of technological terms.

Business Thesaurus EBSCOhost
English collection of business terms.

Standard-Thesaurus Economy
Structured collection of terms which you can use for your research.

Thesaurus Psychology
Collection of psychological terms in the WISO database.
Selection in the menu above.

Thesaurus Social Sciences
Collection of social science terms in the WISO database.
Selection in the menu above.

Interdisciplinary Thesaurus EBSCOhost
English collection of interdisciplinary terms.

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is the thesaurus of the controlled vocabulary of the National Library of Medicine, which is used for indexing articles in PubMed.

Additionally interesting:
Regensburger Verbundklassifikation (RVK) (German language offer)
Classification system in academic libraries. Serves to classify a topic in a subject area.

Interdisciplinary Information

Academic Search Premier
Multidisciplinary EBSCO host database that evaluates scientific journals from all subject areas. Some of the journals are also accessible in full text.

Database Information System (DBIS)
DBIS supports you in selecting the right scientific database for your research. Licensed and freely accessible databases are displayed - sorted by subject area.

Please switch to English for using the English surface!

DOAB - Directory of Open Access Books
Open access to full e-books from various scientific fields and languages.

DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals
Over 11,000 scientific journals on various topics.

ELFI (German language offer)
Database for research funding searches.

Electronic Journals Library - EZB
Service for the effective use of academic full-text journals on the Internet - organized by subject. Access options are indicated by different colored traffic light symbols.

PLOS ONE - Public Library of Science
Platform for open access journals dealing with general natural sciences and medicine.

THI Repository
Publication server of the TH Ingolstadt

Science Direct
Access to scientific journal articles and book chapters published by Elsevier via the DEAL consortium.

Multidisciplinary abstract and citation database for research literature and internet sources (peer-reviewed). Tools are available for tracking, analysing and visualizing research information from various subject areas.

Includes Scopus AI, please note the usage instructions.

Springer Link
Access to scientific documents from journals, books, book series, protocols, reference works and proceedings published by Springer via the DEAL consortium.

Wiley Online Library
Over 8 million articles from 1600 journals in life, health, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities published by Wiley through the DEAL consortium.

Economics and Psychology

Business Source Premier
Business Source Premier is a database of the information provider EBSCO Information Service. It contains bibliographic references, abstracts and full texts from business and economics journals. In addition, company profiles can be viewed under "Company Profiles".

Case Center
Worldwide largest collection of case studies from economy. Cases only purchased in context of a teaching course. For this purpose the lecturers can contact Students can only use the research tool.

Datastream is a database for financial time series. It contains financial information for the last 65 years across all major asset classes.
The provider LSEG (formerly Refinitiv) offers various databases on financial market data and infrastructure on its platform Eikon.
For Datastream there is a single access point at the THI, which can only be used by university members. If you are interested, please contact

DATEV Students online (German language offer)
Programs from the fields of accounting, auditing and taxes.
Platform for e-learning and reference works.
Please notice: A personal login with the university account is required. To do this, search in the top right of the pull-down list THI and click on "Login".

digital SAP-Library
E-books, videos and exercises in German and English.
Various business administration and IT topics are offered on the subject of SAP (including the "MS Office" and "Web Development" modules).

Includes SAP AI, please note the usage instructions.

Literature search in German and international economic databases. Access to free and licensed full texts.

Primary research on future retail topics.
Access data can be requested from

Database for publication references of psychological literature from German-speaking countries - including editorially described test instruments and intervention programs.

Information on economics and social sciences, psychology, nursing, law, and technology. You receive full-text access to articles from specialist journals and bibliographic references for literature research - supplemented by daily and weekly press, company, and personal information as well as market data.

Company Information
Take advantage of our databases for company and market data.


beck-online (German language offer)
Law database with laws, judgments, comments, articles from trade journals and more.

All THI members require a personal account (with university mail address), to access the content of beck-online.

Tutorial for the use of beck-online

beck-online offers free webinars once a month.

Datev (German language offer)
Platform for the topics tax consulting and related professions.

Online portal on EU law. Access to EU legal documents. Operated by the Publications Office of the European Union.

Juris (German language offer)
Contains legal and business information from the juris alliance consisting of various partner publishers.

NWB-Datenbank (German language offer)
Current information from tax and business law.

Stotax (German language offer)
Subject portal for tax law: Manuals, comments, journals, German Federal Tax Gazette a.o.

Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering

ACM Digital Library
Included are "The ACM Full Text collection" and "The ACM Guide to Computing Literature". The latter is an international bibliographic database on computer science and contains almost 3 million references from American and international journals, congress reports, books, university theses and research reports.

Portal for science and technology.

Herdt Campus
German web platform with learning materials, digital supplementary media and e-books on programming, image processing, web development, etc.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library
IEEE publishes nearly a third of the world's literature on electrical engineering and computer science. IEEE Xplore contains more than 3 million documents in full text.

Database with information on physics, electrical engineering and electronics, computers and control, information technology, mechanical and production engineering.

digital SAP-Library
E-books, videos and tutorials in german and english.
This library offers the subjects economics and computer science.

NOW NEW: The "MS Office" and "Web Development" Modules
Note: Please use the Firefox browser.

TIB Portal
Access to several million data records from specialist databases, publishing houses and library catalogs.

Architecture, Construction, Energy and Environment

Architecture, Design and Conservation
Portal for scientific and artistic research within architecture, design and conservation.

The Baugeräteliste (BGL) is a standard work in the construction industry. It lists all relevant construction machinery and equipment (including technical and economic data) that is commonly used in construction work and construction site equipment. In the online version, the database is continuously updated.

To gain access, please click on “Autologin” on the right.
Attention: Single user license!

ContextCrew - Renewable Energy
Portal for Renewable Energy Technologies.
Access for THI members only. If you are interested, please contact

DETAIL Inspiration
The image and reference database contains over 5,000 project documentations from issue 1/1961 onwards from the magazine DETAIL. Search functions and filter options according to main keywords such as building type, material, year of construction or DETAIL magazine topic support the search for creative building solutions. The project descriptions with reference photos, drawings and technical information are available as PDF downloads.

Due to temporary access problems, please use this link and request a free trial access.

Content on technologies for the environment and sustainability within the WISO database. Up-to-dateness: until 08/2021.

FID BAUdigital
The specialist information service BAUdigital is a project funded by the DFG from 2020 to 2023. The platform continues to offer services for research in the disciplines of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning - with a focus on digital methods and technologies.

RSWBplus combines the German construction database RSWB® and the international construction database ICONDA® Bibliographic in a joint search interface with an integrated thesaurus. You receive literature references on the topics of spatial planning, urban development, housing, and construction.
Up to date: until 12/2024

VDI eLibrary
Specialist journals from the fields of construction, design/production, logistics, energy and environment.


Aerospace Research Central (ARC)
Database of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Access to full texts (papers, articles) from 1963 to 2007.
More recent content is only available as a record and may need to be ordered via interlibrary loan.

ATA Standards of the Air Transport Association

  • ATA iSpec 2200 Extract (Standard Numbering System)
  • ATA MSG-3: Vol. 1 (Fixed Wing Aircraft)
  • ATA MSG-3: Vol. 2 (Rotorcraft)

Single license for students of Aeronautical Engineering and Flight and Vehicle Informatics as well as lecturers of the THI.

FID move
Contains over 2,500,000 records from relevant data sources for transportation and mobility research.
The catalog is constantly being expanded.

Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch(German language offer)
Standardized national working basis for industry, research, teaching and authorities.
Single license for students of Aeronautical Engineering and Flight and Vehicle Informatics as well as lecturers at THI.

Mobilikon (German language offer)
Is "the reference work on the subject of local mobility" - a joint project of the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) and the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB).
“Germany's data platform that gets you moving.” - For the exchange of digital information from mobility providers, infrastructure operators, transport authorities as well as information providers. 

SAE Mobilus
Technical papers, standards and e-books dealing with the subject automotive and aerospace engineering.

Material Science

Informations about alloys, supplier and others.

FID Materials Science
Specialized information service for materials science and materials engineering for effective information supply and networking.

Life Sciences

More than 67 million records from the fields of medicine and health care, nutrition, environmental and agricultural sciences. Includes data sources from MEDLINE and AGRICOLA.
Also searches PubMed with more than 33 million references for biomedical literature.


Patents and Standards

Database of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office for online searches on patent publications from around the world.

Patent publications of the European Patent Office.

DIN standards (including DIN EN, DIN EN ISO and DIN ISO), ISO standards and VDI guidelines in full-text as well as evidence of other standards.
Previously: Perinorm

Platform patent information experts. It allows to search, monitor, analyze, categorize and disseminate global patent information. Industrial designs are also available.

Individual access exclusively for students in selected courses.

Lists international patents.

VDE standards
Online access to VDE standards. Printing and saving is not possible.

Statistical Information

Website of the Federal Statistical Office Germany.

Inspec Analytics
Enables researchers to uncover trends and patterns that were previously hidden. Intuitive interfaces and interactive views provide insights into high-level and niche disciplines by allowing users to explore research trends based on organizations, controlled terms or subject classifications.

OECD iLibrary
The OECD iLibrary contains all online publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It provides access to all OECD studies and statistics as well as reports from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, the International Transport Forum (ITF), IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators and PISA studies.

Leading Statistics Portal with data on 600 international industries.

Statista Consumer Insights
Statista's Consumer Insights (until 2022: Statista Global Consumer Survey) examine the consumer behavior and media use of consumers worldwide in online and offline activities. It is based on online interviews in 56 countries and regions.

Information of the Statistical Offices of federal and state government.

Company Information

Manufacturers and Products Directory.

Key Technologies in Bavaria - the companies' database
Information about Bavarian companies, research institutions, specialised government agencies and associations.

Business information covering over 30 industries.

Wer liefert was
Supplier search engine.


Press Reader
Access to current issues from the last 60 to 90 days of over 7,000 international, national and regional daily newspapers and magazines - from 120 countries and in 60 languages. From The Washington Post to Vogue and FOCUS, everything is included.

Süddeutsche Zeitung LibraryNet (German language offer)
Access to current and older articles of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.