Dual studies as a sustainable human resources development strategy
THI offers companies and students many Bachelor's or Master's programm as a dual course of study. At the moment approximately 100 companies and 600 students taking the opportunity to combine practical and academical periods. The dual model gives you the chance to qualify your staff with the well-known german dual vocational training. After completing dual studies, the students emerge as well-trained professionals who are familiar with everyday working life in your company. They know your corporate culture and are already an integral part of your company's networks.

Becoming a dual study cooperating partner of the THI
As a dual study cooperating partner of the THI you win highly skilled employees for your company - at the same time you benefit from the close link between academic education and practical experience. You are interested in THI's degree programmes and want to offer positions for a dual course of study? The registration as a dual partner companie of the THI works as follows:
- Fill in our "Erhebungsbogen" (PDF) to tell us your preferred course of study and study model. Send the completed form to praktikum@thi.de. Immediatly after this, the respective faculty examines if cooperation is possible.
- Clarify your questions regarding study content, professonal topics and face-to-face meetings with the responsible contact person from our faculties:
- For degree programmes from the faculties Mechanical Engineering and THI Business School: The programme director / academic advisor - you find the contact details on our website on the profile page of the respective degree programme.
- For degree progremmes from the faculty Electrical Engineering & Computer Science:
Mr Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Tiedemann.
- For degree programmes from the faculties Mechanical Engineering and THI Business School: The programme director / academic advisor - you find the contact details on our website on the profile page of the respective degree programme.
- After confirmation from the faculty, you will receive an email confirming your registration. You are now a practical training partner in the dual studies programme of the THI!
Dual study models at THI
The degree programme is combined with training in a recognised occupation requiring formal training. Study phases and vocational training are linked in terms of time and content.
The programme begins with a practical phase of up to 13 months, in which candidates complete a large portion of their professional training. They are able to experience several departments within their partner company. They can also attend the vocational school together with the regular trainees.
After the first year in the company, the studies at the university begin. From then on, candidates will alternate between university and practical phases. Those in possession of a university entrance qualification (including subject-specific qualifications) are entitled but not obliged to attend the vocational school. After the first year, the majority of candidates complete the course content in self-study.
The chamber examination (e.g. IHK or HWK) is generally taken in the practical semester in the third year. The timing of the final vocational examination varies according to the profession in question. Further practical units in the company may be completed even after the final vocational examination. The dual studies end with the bachelor's thesis, written in the company.
Application process for compound studies:
- Prospective students select a suitable course of studies which they wish to pursue in conjunction with vocational training. Check our database for an overview of all compound study courses available (Advice: The German word for compound studies is "Verbundstudium").
- Candidates should apply early (6-15 months before the start of training) for a training place at a company that cooperates with the THI in the desired degree programme.
- Companies conclude a training contract (PDF) and a dual contract (DOC) with their candidates. At the same time, prospective students apply for a study place at the THI (the application period for the winter semester is 2 May-15 July). Candidates already in possession of a training contract should submit this with their application.
In studies with an additional practical element, students do not take part in professional training but instead obtain significantly more practical experience in a company compared with those in regular studies. This is closely synchronised with the teaching at the THI. The length of the programme is 3.5 years for a Bachelor degree and 1,5 years for a Master degree.
University phases alternate with practical phases. Students complete their practical phases in the lecture-free periods, in the practical semester, and while writing their bachelor's thesis in the company. Students familiarise themselves extensively with the company and are involved in a number of different projects.
The dual studies end with the bachelor's/ master's thesis, written in the company.
Application process for studies with an additional practical element:
- Prospective students select their desired course of study from those available with an additional practical element. An overview of our study courses can be found in our database. Advice: The German name for this model is "Studium mit vertiefter Praxis".
- Prospective students apply to their chosen company for a placement in the dual study programme. Possible cooperating firms can be found in our database.
- The company concludes a dual contract (DOC) for the dual study programme. At the same time, prospective students apply for a study place at the THI within the regular application period (the application period for the winter semester is 2 May to 15 July). Candidates already in possession of a placement contract should submit it with their application.