SAFIR-Cluster 3: Global safety system
The impulse project "Global and cooperative safety system" provides a contribution to the global safety system, starting from integral vehicle safety and making use of digitalisation. To this end, the focus is on innovative subsystems as well as communication per se.
In the case of the subsystems, innovative radar systems for the early detection of pedestrians were considered and successfully prototypically realised in SP 2. Likewise, elements of a so-called pain-sensitive car body for damage detection in carbon-based car bodies were prototypically realised in SP 1. When considering the global safety system, inter-vehicle communication is an essential element. An investigation of the reliability of communication, which is the essential factor in cross-vehicle safety functions, was realised in SP 3 and shown in Figure 4.
To ensure the reliability of communication, components of a real-time capable HIL for Car2X ECUs were investigated in SP 3. A central element here is a simulator for Car2X applications. The open source Car2X simulation environment artery was initially used and its real-time capability validated for 3-5 vehicles [1,2]. Since this number of vehicles massively limits the scenarios to be realised, a new simulation kernel was developed that is real-time capable for approx. 50 vehicles, prototypically realised [3].
[1] Christina Obermaier, Raphael Riebl, Christian Facchi; Limitations of HIL Test Architectures for Car2X Communication Devices and Applications; 3rd ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium (CSCS); 2019
[2] Christina Obermaier, Raphael Riebl, Ali H. Al-Bayatti, Sarmadullah Khan, Christian Facchi; Measuring the Realtime Capability of Parallel-Discrete-Event-Simulations; MIDP electronics Special Issue "Communication Technologies for VANETs"; doi: 10.3390/electronics10060636; 2021
[3] Christina Obermaier, Raphael Riebl, Ali H. Al-Bayatti, Sarmadullah Khan, Christian Facchi; COSIDIA: An Approach for Real-Time Parallel Discrete Event Simulations Tailored for Wireless Networks; ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (PADS) 2021 (accepted paper)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Phone: +49 841 9348-3650
Room: P001
E-Mail: Christian.Facchi@thi.de