SAFIR-Cluster 4: Safe electric mobilty
As part of SAFIR IP4, a worldwide survey was carried out as part of a publication for the European Association for Accident Research and Analysis (Europäische Vereinigung für Unfallforschung und Unfallanalyse e.V.) and involving over 200 accident analysts, most of whom work for courts. The results of this survey showed that the influences of driver assistance systems (DAS) and automated driving functions (AF) on the course of an accident can so far only be clarified beyond doubt in rare cases. This has an enormous impact on both legal certainty and victim protection. In order to be able to reliably clarify the influences of FAS and AF forensically in the future, several investigations were carried out and methods developed within the framework of SAFIR IP4.
A central element was the implementation of tests to determine the possible influences of FAS and AF on the vehicle's driving dynamics and the driver's behaviour. The results from the empirical tests flow into a database as scientifically sound basic data that can be used as a reference for forensically active accident analysts in their court reports.
At the same time, the tests showed that the system behaviour during an accident often diverges greatly. Digital traces are indispensable in order to be able to accurately depict the actual course of events for forensic purposes. Accordingly, solutions were developed for extracting accident-relevant data from vehicle control units using reverse engineering methods. In the future, however, all required data elements should be stored in a Forensic Event Data Recorder (FEDR), which was designed within the framework of the project.
The THI has acquired a special role throughout Germany for the forensic clarification of the influences of FAS and AF, in particular through intensive exchange with the police, experts, monitoring organisations, universities, insurance companies and the ADAC as well as through publications and committed participation in conferences and panel discussions.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Georg Schweiger
Phone: +49 841 9348-4500
Room: H026
E-Mail: Hans-Georg.Schweiger@thi.de