Transfer at THI: Our news

An important step towards a sustainable future

15 trainees from regional companies have completed the KUS Sustainability Scouts program. With their expertise, they contribute to anchoring all… more
Portrait des Hochschulpräsidenten sowie der Vizepräsidentinnen auf einer Wiese, im Hintergrund die Hochschule

Continuing academic education, sustainability, transfer, and entrepreneurship: THI expands university leadership team

The University Council has elected Professor Andrea Klug as Vice President of Continuing Education and Professor Elke Feifel as Vice President of… more

Discussion with experts from research and industry on the energy transition

Panel discussion "Just a moment to save the world?" at Scheyern Monastery inspires young audience more

Mastering climate extremes: climate-adapted construction as the key to prevention

Closing event of the Neuburger Nachhaltigkeitsgespräche 2024 attracts a large audience more

Annual BRIAS Meeting

On May 2 and 3, 2024, the cooperation partners of BRIAS (Bavarian Research Institute for African Studies) gathered for their annual meeting at the… more
Gruppenbild des Dexcartes Gymnasium

Just a moment to save the world? THI takes part in the Descartes High School's Climate Day

Neuburg Grammar School wants to become a climate school. To get closer to this goal, a climate day was organized with many activities and impulses for… more
Gruppenbild der Refferierenden/Mitarbeitenden des KI Workshops der Firma Baur

AI workshop for small and medium-sized enterprises at THI

Professor Alexander Baur and his team will be presenting the ‘KI-Transfer Plus’ program of the Bavarian Ministry of Digital Affairs to interested… more

No moss, no action?

At the Neuburg Sustainability Talks on Tuesday, the 4th of June, experts will discuss whether and how climate-friendly building materials can be… more

Practical learning in Real World Laboratories: THI builds bridges to Colombia

THI's International Welcome Centre (IWC) is initiating collaborations with Colombian universities in Bogotá and Medellín to present the practice- and… more