Transfer at THI: Our news

Pioneering District Heating Network Planning for Schleswig-Holstein

From October 23 to 25, Prof. Dr. Matthias Huber and Niklas Denter (research associate)  engaged in a productive exchange with Lorica Energiesysteme… more

Heat Pumps in the Spotlight: Review of the 2nd InES Heat Pump Forum

More than 140 experts from science and industry came together at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) on the 23rd of January 2025 to discuss… more

What if? A playful approach to the future for SMEs

The next Lunch Learning event will take place on Monday, the 13th of January at 1 p.m. with the topic: ‘What if? - Playful handling of futures in the… more
Mann und Frau, die Details zu einer Podcastfolge besprechen

Digital Transformation: Ideas Portal as a Driver for Innovation

At Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Professor Volker Stiehl is developing a pioneering methodology for digital transformation with his ‘process-driven… more
Bild aus einem Workshop, auf dem zwei Teilnehmende und die Leiterin des Workshops zu sehen sind

5 after 12: ‘The Great Transformation III’ encourages a rethink

How can society, the economy, and the environment actively shape the profound transformation? This question was at the centre of the third scientific… more
Zwei Personen bei der Aufnahme einer Videos für das Projekt "Mensch in Bewegung"

Lunch & Learn - Knowledge with a Bite

With Lunch & Learn - Knowledge with Bite, THI is launching a new online format that offers exciting insights into current topics such as artificial… more
Gruppenbild der Studierenden und Gewinner der VGI-Challange mit den Schecks

Innovative Mobility Concepts at the VGI Challenge

At this year's hackathon, 14 teams presented their creative solutions for the mobility of tomorrow. The competition, in which around 80 students from… more
Symbolbild Resilienz, Löwenzahn, der Asphalt durchbricht

Resilience – What Can We Learn!?

The term ‘resilience’ seems to be omnipresent. But what is behind this buzzword? At the scientific transfer conference ‘The Great Transformation’… more

Excursion: Solar-thermally supported district heating World's first solar thermal system made of insulating glass flat-plate collectors

Solar thermal systems offer an opportunity to decarbonise heating networks. This is an important building block for the heating transition to replace… more