Resilience – What Can We Learn!?

The term ‘resilience’ seems to be omnipresent. But what is behind this buzzword? At the scientific transfer conference ‘The Great Transformation’ organised by the Sustainability Research and Transfer Centre Neuburg (ForTraNN), Professor Markus Bresinsky sheds light on it in all its complexity.

Symbolbild Resilienz, Löwenzahn, der Asphalt durchbricht

The strength to withstand stress and adapt to change: this is part of the meaning of resilience (symbolic image: Pixabay).

In his keynote speech on Wednesday, 27th of November at 6.30 pm in the Modulbau of the THI's Neuburg campus , Professor Markus Bresinsky from the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg will take participants on an intellectual journey: What does it mean not only to emerge stronger from crises, but also to learn and adapt? How can we better understand risks in a society based on the division of labour and prepare for the unforeseen? And what does it mean to think in terms of possibilities?

Professor Bresinsky is an expert in international politics and social sciences. His research on crisis management and disaster prevention combines scientific depth with practical perspectives. His keynote promises exciting impulses and food for thought that will inspire both experts and interested laypeople to think and discuss further.

The conference ‘The Great Transformation’ has been held every two years since 2019 and offers a platform for networking science, business, and society. Under the leadership of the ‘Mensch in Bewegung’ transfer project, concrete solutions for a sustainable future are developed. In addition to inspiring presentations such as the keynote speech by Professor Bresinsky, workshops, and discussion panels invite participants to engage in dialogue and exchange perspectives.

The event is free of charge. All interested parties are cordially invited to register at: 


Symbolic Image: Pixabay.