Creative solutions for a sustainable campus of the future in Neuburg

As part of the WaNdel!4 projects, the THI organized an interdisciplinary workshop on climate adaptation at the Neuburg campus together with representatives of the university, students, academic staff, the State Building Authority, and the city of Neuburg to develop practical and sustainable solutions for the design of the campus site.

Fünf Personen im Außenbereich des Campus in Neuburg, die vor einer Pinnwand mit unterschiedlichen Tags stehen und dieskutieren

Researchers from various disciplines discussed solutions (Photo: THI).

In the morning, the sustainable plans for the Neuburg campus and various sustainability concepts were presented. In the afternoon, the participants worked in groups on concepts for sustainable green space management and water-conscious planning, as well as on options for efficient decision-making processes. The resulting ideas will now be examined in collaboration with the State Building Authority and further concretized in a Delphi study.

This ideas workshop is undoubtedly an important step for the sustainable design of the Neuburg campus and a strong signal for interdisciplinary cooperation in climate adaptation, which is to be strengthened in the coming year through further participatory formats of the Wandel!4 project. The Wandel!4 projects is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with 342,845 euros as part of the FONA strategy, which is based on the United Nations 2030 Agenda.