Curiosity, inventiveness, and perseverance were at the center of the competition, where pupils from the region presented their research projects. Whether biology, chemistry, physics, technology, or computer science - the diversity of the projects impressed the jury and audience alike. Pauline Rieger from Apian-Gymnasium Ingolstadt was awarded first prize in the biology category for her work on nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbiosis. Lorenz Kopold from Maria-Ward-Realschule Neuburg won first prize in the technology category with a hydrogen-powered combustion engine. Luke Schröder from Schyren-Gymnasium Pfaffenhofen secured first place in the Earth and Spatial Sciences category with his ‘Garden passport - the key to a climate-friendly garden’. THI President Professor Walter Schober praised the achievements of the young researchers. ‘Turn questions into answers - this motto of ‘Jugend forscht’ perfectly describes what science and technology are all about. With your commitment, you have shown how exciting it is to face challenges and develop solutions. Research is often a path with many detours, but those who stick with it experience that unique moment when everything suddenly falls into place. It is precisely this feeling that inspires everyone involved in science and makes them want to keep searching for answers. THI is delighted to be hosting this competition because that's exactly the kind of creative minds we need.’ Katarina Keck, Deputy Managing Director of Jugend forscht, was also impressed. ‘You can't find answers to questions on your own - you need to have a bite. You have impressively demonstrated that you have bite.’ In addition to the main prizes, numerous special awards were presented. Schyren-Gymnasium Pfaffenhofen was named ‘Bavarian Research School 2025’. Michaela Lieb from Ingolstadt-Etting Primary School received the special prize for dedicated talent promotion. The Apian Band provided the musical accompaniment, creating a special atmosphere with their professional performances. The event was financially supported by the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the THI. The competition was organized by Simone Schmeißer. The event offered young researchers a platform to present their ideas and gain valuable insights into the world of science. For many, this competition could be the first step towards a promising scientific career. ‘Jugend forscht’ is Germany's best-known competition for young scientists and engineers. The aim is to get young people interested in science and promote talent at an early stage. |
Impressive Spirit of Research: Young Talents Shine at "Jugend forscht"
Lots to discover for young researchers: At the ‘Jugend forscht’ regional competition at THI, participants were able to try out a driving simulator, among other things (Photo: THI).
The spirit of research knows no age limits: Participants from different age groups and disciplines presented their projects (Photo: THI).