
Figure: Logo ITS Bavaria

SAFIR in the newsletter of ITS Bavaria e.V.

The 5th newsletter of ITS Bavaria e.V. also contains a short report on the "Innovative Research Network for Vehicle and Road Safety - SAFIR". more
Figure: Title page DNH

The challenge of strategic networks: From wishful thinking and continuation

In the magazine of the Hochschullehrerbundes (hlb) HAW-Forschung (be)wirkt! the article "Herausforderung strategische Netzwerke: Von Wunschdenken und… more
Figure: View of the steering wheel of a vehicle and view from the windscreen

Where's the steering wheel, please?

The new role that the interior of a vehicle can take on through networking and new mobility concepts, and whether cars will assume different… more
Figure: CARISSMA presentation of accident simulation

EVU conference at THI

On 11 November, more than 30 EVU accident analysts met at THI. EVU is a worldwide association of experts in the field of accident research and… more
Figure: Prof. Andreas Riener and members of his team attended the GI Symposium “Human-Computer Interaction: AI for Human Beings” in Berlin

SAFIR at the German Informatics Society’s symposium “AI for Human Beings”

On 12 November 2019, part of the IP 1 research group under Prof. Andreas Riener was represented with a large exhibition stand at the “Symposium… more


Program coordinator SAFIR
Camila Heller, B. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6479
Room: F108