Intensification Phase Cluster 2 - Safe electric mobility
In SAFIR Cluster 2 "Safe Electric Mobility", headed by Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Schweiger, the research fields that were developed in IP 4 and EP 2 during the start-up phase will be further expanded and consolidated. The foundations laid in IP 4 (start-up phase) TP 1 and EP 2 in the field of accident analysis and the use of vehicle control units as accident data recorders will be continued in the intensification phase in the AVENUE project (IP 5). For this purpose, solutions for acyclic testing of safety-relevant vehicle components, e.g. after software updates, as well as solutions for an accident data recorder for autonomous and other means of transportation (passenger cars, commercial vehicles, motorcycles, air cabs,) are being sought. The basic principles for crash safety of battery systems developed in IP4 TP 2 (set-up phase) will be continued in the intensification phase in the CRAVE project (IP 9). In this project, new optimized solutions for the crash protection of batteries as well as new test procedures for crash tests of electric vehicles are to be researched.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Georg Schweiger
Phone: +49 841 9348-4500
Room: H026