Highly automated vehicle functions, increased entertainment, strong connectivity within the vehicle infrastructure, shorter development cycles, and many other factors will present enormous challenges for vehicle manufacturers in the future. Therefore, DRAFT aims to standardize and simplify the underlying vehicle architecture.
Technological impulses from different areas (e.g., IoT, software engineering) - along with the latest research approaches from the automotive industry - are intended to lead to a fully integrated solution for research in the field of safe highly automated driving. Encapsulation, abstraction, load distribution through orchestration, continuous integration, or continuous deployment as technology impulses from other industries, a modular cloud-based architecture definition, as well as corresponding open interfaces, enable fast, easy, robust, and secure data collection for future research activities. DRAFT builds on the successfully completed SAFIR project EP 1 - AutoBit (13FH7I3IA). The test vehicle developed there serves as a development environment for such a cloud-based software architecture throughout the project period.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Huber
Phone: +49 841 9348-2523
Room: H020
E-Mail: Werner.Huber@thi.de

Matthias Meyer, B. Sc.
Phone: +49 841 9348-6482
Room: P312
Fax: +49 841 9348-996050
E-Mail: Matthias.Meyer@carissma.eu