Transfer at THI

The transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology is firmly anchored at  THI. Shaping the transfer to the economy and society is one of the three central tasks of the university (Bavarian Higher Education Act). THI is particularly committed to its regional environment. It creates networks and shapes social dialogue. The university supports the competitiveness of its cooperation partners through innovation and successfully promotes spin-offs. It generates added value for society through civic engagement. Through a variety of event formats, it creates an intensive exchange of knowledge and ideas and enables academic qualification for broad sections of the population through extensive further education programmes.

Mensch in Bewegung

The aim of the innovation alliance "Mensch in Bewegung" (Human being/People in motion) is to strengthen the exchange of knowledge (transfer) between science, politics, business and civil society.

Project-Website "Mensch in Bewegung"

Our understanding of transfer

Transfer is a high priority at the THI. In the triad of research, teaching and transfer, this topic is firmly anchored in the university's DNA.



Prof. Dr. Uwe Holzhammer at the dena Energy Transition Congress 2024

Knowledge, dialogue and pioneering impetus for the energy transition more

Successful start to the corporate sustainability roundtable

New network for regional companies promotes open dialogue on sustainability issues more
KI-generiertes Bild eines Wissenschaftskinos, dass eine Kinoleinwand sowie Kinobesucher im Freien darstellt, umgeben von Natur, Windrädern und Solarpanals

Shut up, the Second: Science Cinema 2024 Starts

Films, research, questions: This year's THI and KU cinema series starts on the 5th of November at 6.30 pm in the film hall of the vhs Ingolstadt. The… more
Diskussionsrunde bestehend aus sechs Personen im Rahmen der DAAD Förderung

Half a Million Euros for Internationalization

The THI is one of ten universities across Germany that are funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in the ‘enGlobe_connect’ project… more
Bild mit Blick auf das schwimmende Science Center der MS-Wissenschaft auf der Spree, im Hintergrund das Reichstagsgebäude

Science Ahoy: THI Thrilled Visitors with a Driving Simulator on an Exhibition Ship

32 cities, 3,000 kilometers, 54,000 visitors: the exhibition ship ‘MS Wissenschaft’ has completed its tour through Germany and Austria. One of the… more

Heating & cooling supply by SWI at the Audi Sportpark site - operating experience of the absorption refrigeration system

How does the heating and cooling supply in the Audi Sportpark work? Participants in the excursion were given interesting insights into this by… more


28 Apr

Lunch Learning - Making organisations sustainable



VIce President for Research
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Daniel Großmann
Phone: +49 841 9348-2880
Room: D026
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