The 5GoIng Project
In the 5GoIng project, the region is consolidating its numerous competencies in the field of innovative mobility and creating an open development and demonstration platform for 5G applications. The focus is on "connected mobility". With its model character, the concept is also intended to serve as a rolemodel for other regions. Starting point is the urban test field for connected and automated driving IN2Lab, which connects the "Digital Motorway Test Bed" on the A9 with the high-tech hub IN-Campus. 5GoIng expands the test field and brings in new technological possibilities and scenarios, creating a holistic Open Innovation Lab. Equipped with modern sensor technology in the form of traffic cameras and LiDAR units, the test field extends the existing so-called "first mile" along the road at Auwaldsee and connects it with the high-tech park IN-Campus. Through 5G, the fifth generation of mobile communications, wireless communication is realized in real time. Through this innovative research environment and the competencies of the project partners involved, the application-oriented development of new 5G technologies and products is aimed. At the same time, the Open Innovation Lab serves as a showroom for "Connected Mobility" by using public road sections. It opens the opportunity to directly experience the benefits of 5G technologies. Furthermore, 5GoIng addresses the three technical topics of smart city, traffic safety and sustainability, as well as the socially relevant core aspects of acceptance, inter-communal cooperation and the promotion of start-up infrastructure. As part of the "5G- Implementation Funding of the 5G Innovation Program", the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport has been funding the research project since December 2021 with a total budget of 4.2 million euros. The term of the project is two years and ends on December 12, 2023.
Technical Highlights
- Traffic circle and road at IN-Campus
- Camera, Lidar, Car2X, fiber optics
- 5G data communication, 5G smartphones
- Data-Backend
- Frontend with map-based data visualization
- MEC based safety function, traffic monitoring & analysis.
- FXD application for VRU
- Visual safety alerts and dynamic length marker (Smart City)

- Local
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Festag
Phone: +49 841 9348-2255
Room: B102
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Facchi
Phone: +49 841 9348-3650
Room: P001